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Biblioteka Dlya Kompasa 14 Elektrik

четверг 03 января admin 12

Book requests are made from the desktop via the NIAS Library Request. Frankfurt am Main: Institute for the History of Arabic-Islamic Science at the. Media en economie: markten in beweging en een overheid die stuurt zonder kompas. I ediniy nalog na vmenenniy dokhod dlya otdel'nykh vidov deyatel'nosti.

From Germany to U.S.A. About this Item: YAM Jul 2014, 2014.

Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - Print on Demand Neuware - 'Polshaga do lyudey. Do novoy nadezhdy. Do vozmozhnosti poverit'. Do shansa spastis' - imenno v takoy situatsii okazyvayutsya mnogie geroi sbornika rasskazov 'Avgust'. Ikh mir - eto mir naiznanku, mir, gde 'luchshe zhuravl' v nebe, chem sinitsa v ruke'. I vsego lish' polshaga otdelyaet geroev ot lyubvi, schast'ya, spasen'ya.

Tak kto iz nikh smozhet sdelat' etot shag Kakim on budet I chto zhdet ikh tam, za chertoy etogo shaga 156 pp. Seller Inventory # 628 66. From United Kingdom to U.S.A. About this Item: Palmarium Academic Publishing, United States, 2013. Condition: New. Language: Russian.

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Brand new Book. Kniga, kotoraya lezhit pered vami, nachinaetsya s glav, posvyashchennykh anatomii, fiziologii, patofiziologii mocheispuskaniya. Avtory podrobno ostanavlivayutsya na osnovnykh klinicheskikh proyavleniyakh zabolevaniy mochevogo puzyrya, kotorye mozhno okharakterizovat' dvumya slovami: bol' i dizuriya. Ves'ma poleznym i svoevremennym yavlyaetsya predstavlenie sovremennoy terminologii patologicheskikh simptomov i sindromov mochevogo puzyrya v ikh evolyutsionnom razvitii.

Unikal'nost' dannoy monografii sostoit v tom, chto v ney prekrasno izlozheny ne tol'ko sovremennye rekomendatsii po osnovnym zabolevaniyam mochevogo puzyrya, no i kriticheski osmysleny nekotorye ikh aspekty i predlozheny novye original'nye razrabotki. Seller Inventory # KNV772 69. From Germany to U.S.A. About this Item: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing Mrz 2018, 2018. Condition: Neu.

Neuware - Uchebno-metodicheskoe posobie rasschitano na studentov bakalavriata fakul'teta nano- i biomedicinskih tehnologij. Ono soderzhit kratkij vvodnyj kurs v sredu matematicheskih vychislenij. V izdanii privodyatsya issledovatel'skie raschety v srede paketa Matkad 2001, kotorye izlagajutsya na osnove vypolneniya tipovyh zadach i uprazhnenij. Uprazhneniya sformirovany v vide sistemnyh ciklov, ohvatyvajushhih vse temy posobiya. Prednaznacheno dlya samostoyatel'noj raboty studentov ochnoj i zaochnoj form obucheniya pri podgotovke sootvetstvujushhih rabot praktikuma po disciplinam 'Informatika i vychislitel'naya tehnika', 'Avtomatizaciya tehnologicheskih processov', 'Osnovy avtomatizacii resheniya inzhenernyh zadach', 'Konstruktorsko-tehnologicheskoe obespechenie proizvodstva JeVM' i pr.

Seller Inventory # 942 70.