Cara Reload Software Blackberry 9220
пятница 19 октября admin 59
Dapat berlangsung juga dikarenakan ada di antara aplikasi yang bikin error pada system blackberry anda serta jadi tidak stabil maka blackberry ngerestart sendiri. Bila error tersebut berlangsung sesudah anda barusan instal aplikasi / theme baru. Cobalah hapuskan dulu aplikasi / theme yang anda barusan instal untuk fix error tersebut.
Buka options – applications, tentukan aplikasi terkahir instal serta delete/hapus. Bila sesudah delete, blackberry anda jadi normal kembali, bermakna problem apps, anda dapat cobalah instal lagi aplikasi atau theme tersebut bila memanglah di butuhkan. Dikarenakan terkadang bukan hanya aplikasi error namun cuma dikarenakan pada waktu instal/download berlangsung error. Salah satu solusinya coba anda. Biar gampang upgradenya, pakailah bantuan BBSAK alias BlackBerry Swiss Army Knife (pisau tentara Swiss ) ini nih linknya: • Setelah di unduh, lanjut di instal di komputernya. Setelah instal jangan lupa restart.
May 31, 2013 - Uninstall and reinstall the desktop manager software ensuring you. Booting, i tried to reload software but its not completing, data is not important, but i. I found my blackberry 9320 just recently and I want to have a quick look.
• Lanjut, kalian butuh Desktop Manager untuk membackup data dan juga membackup aplikasi. Desktop Manager (DM) tinggal instal aja dari CD yang kamu dapetin waktu beli BBnya, ada kok di dalem kotaknya. Setelah instal kamu tinggal ikutin perintahnya buat backup data juga backup aplikasi.
Simpan file backup kamu di tempat yang aman • Hapus vendor.xml di folder C: Program Files Common Files Research In Motion AppLoader • Jalankan BBSAK. Masukkan password bila ada. • Pilih tombol “Wipe OS”. Fungsinya utk menghapus (format) OS lama. Tunggu hingga BlackBerry reboot dan keluar “Error 507″. Artinya tidak ada OS. • Mulai instalasi.
Bisa dng “Load OS” di BBSAK atau double click Loader.exe di folder AppLoader (langkah 4) • Ikuti wizard, check aplikasi/modul apa saja yg akan diinstal. • Proses instalasi akan berjalan. Tunggu hingga selesai dan BlackBerry reboot. Restore data yang sudah di backup dengan DM.
Reload Software blackberry error 507 normally occurs when you do not have an operating system installed. The blackberry error 507 May sometime appear on boot loader or a white screen as shown below.These problems are among the.If you owned a torch 9860, then this problem “ blackberry error 507” is dominant among these series.
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Also, another reason you are seeing blackberry error 507 messages. It can be a cause of an incorrect or corrupted software update. How to fix blackberry error 507 messages for some people connecting to your computer and updating via blackberry desktop manager may work but few have this problem“ application loader was unable to connect to your device, please re-connect to your device, entre the password, if required, and click retry“ Backup all data The simplest and most helpful way to fix blackberry error 507 is to > Download BSAK 1.9: > Download B As I said above its an operating system not found a problem, therefore, you will need to chooses your device. > Installed both BSAK and Blackberry desktop manager > Click BSAk and wipe the device, your device will reboot > Install the.exe files > To install the new operating system, navigate to -to c:program filescommon filesresearch in motionapploader and delete the file named “ vendor.xml.” > Now you can Plug your Blackberry using USB and double-click on “ Loader.exe.” you can find it in the same place as the above vendor.xml file.
You receive a confirmation message stated that the update now completed, At this point this point remove the USB from the Computer > Open black berry manager, click restore, search for your backup file and restores your phone.