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Il Bacio Della Sirena Tera Lynn Childs Pdf

понедельник 25 февраля admin 55

Sto parlando delle Sirene e di Tera Lynn Childs che grazie alla TRE60 il 24 gennaio torna con 'Il Destino della Sirena', secondo libro della Trilogia Fins, conclusasi in America quest'estate con il terzo libro 'Just for Fins'.

This book is corny! In fact- a wave of sadness overcomes me when I realize the depths that this author has sunk to.

Drowning her audience in a sea of underwater puns. See I can do it too!! But seriously this book feels like it was written as an 11 year olds creative writing essay that just got out of hand. If the character is mean they are a sea slug if they are nice they are an angel fish. (Constantly!) It just gets ridiculous.

But worst of all the characters are LAME!! Lily clearly has a perse [.]. 3.5 - 4 Stars - Also reviewed at: Lady Jayne's Reading Den(Plot points mentioned deal with aspects contained in the book blurb)Is it just guppy love or a love as deep as the ocean?

Yes, I have been indoctrinated from all the puns in this book. ^_^ The sea puns and mermaid fish slang were a little jarring, at first, but son of swordfish (as Lily would say), once I got into the flow, I was all bubbly smiley reading them and at times even chuckling. Though I can see how the steady stream of puns co [.]. This one wasn't for me. It was somehow too pink, girly, fluffy and cute. The story itself was very predictable, which only made me want to shake the heroine and make her see what was going on already. Her absolute cluelessness really annoyed me.

And seriously, how can you be in love (and I'm referring to the I-love-you-so-much-I-want-to-marry-you-and-spend-the-rest-of-my-life-with-you kind of love here) with someone you rarely talk to and don't really know that well? I mean, having a crush, okay [.]. Looking for a fun, quick, cute, summer read?

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Look no further! Forgive My Fins has it all and more!Let's just say I'm head over tail for the whimsical mermaid tale!Such a cute story. This is definitely a novel that will appeal to the upper ya crowd but at the same time, is something that I wouldn't hesitate to recommend to the younger ya and even mg readers.I adored Quincy from the first spitball mention. Not really specifically because of the spitball, but because he seemed like the genuinely fu [.]. This is one of those stories that I got to read before starting to write reviews, but if I remember well I love it, so I should say at least one word or two about it.I am not sure why I like reading books about mermaids (I blame it on The Little Mermaid, and the way I loved it so much as a kid that it's still somehow stuck in my head).So I picked up this book wanting to have a good time with it, I read it in one sitting and I had tons of fun with it. It was cute, it was funny, sometimes just a b [.]. Pre-review before I finish the book: I know I'm at least 12 years older than the targeted audience but stillI can and will appreciate good teenagers' dramas.

The stupidity and immaturity of the Main Character really is not endearing (I kept rolling my eyes at a lot of things said MC had said and done)I'd been 17 years old once and I don't think teenagers at this age are that bad. Thoughts after I'd finished reading:This time I can't even say 'Oh what a great big disappointment!' The last few days of my life have been tough.

A dear friend of mine entered into eternal life at only seventeen. Over the past few days of mourning his death, I had one thing to look forward to everyday.

That one thing was Forgive My Fins.A very light read, exactly what I needed at this time, Forgive My Fins was very easy to get into and very smooth all the way. There wasn’t too much action, but it wasn’t lacking either. It is really fluffy and fun, which I really liked about it.You may know [.]. I rate this mermaid romance, which I have impatiently waited almost a year for, 3,5 stars altogether.