Postavschik Kriptografii Dlya Zakritogo Klyucha
воскресенье 21 октября admin 58
8) The signature key certificate - a document on paper or electronic document. 16) the crypt (Cryptography Service Provider, CSP) - is an independent module.
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How can I get a NCRYPT_KEY_HANDLE for encryption/decryption with CNG from the private key of a PCCERT_CONTEXT from the windows certificate store? The CryptEncrypt function has been superceded by the NCryptEncrypt and BCryptEncrypt functions, but there is no immediately apparent way of obtaining a handle for either of these functions from a PCCERT_CONTEXT from the Windows certificate store. Hitachi touro mobile pro driver. Is it even possible to use the CNG functions for encryption/decryption using (private keys of) certificates without resolving to brute force approaches like exporting the certificate?